
Company’s Registered Name: Gisoo Jewels, Bahjat Fumani
Owner: Davood Bahjat Fumani
Address: Sentier Jules-Daler 4, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Phone Number:+41 26 303 03 01

Legal Form: Sole Proprietorship
Seat: Fribourg
UID (Business Identification Number): CHE-425.028.382
CH-ID (Swiss Commercial Registry Number): CH-217-3586896-1
FRC-ID (Federal Register of Companies Number): 1620601
Purpose: Gisoo Jewels, under the sole proprietorship of Bahjat Fumani, is engaged in the design, importation, and wholesale/retail sale of fashion jewelry, accessories, and semi-precious stones. The business specializes in the distribution of diverse products, including costume jewelry, trendy accessories, semi-precious gems, and related articles. It focuses on providing fashionable products to meet the needs of customers in the fashion jewelry sector.
For inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].